Wise Black Nanas Podcast

The hosts are Wise Black Nanas who provide thoughtful, compassionate, caring, insightful, and when necessary humorous commentary to the audiences.

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Life Coaching “Between the Dash”

Wise Black Nanas Podcast

The hosts are Wise Black Nanas who provide thoughtful, compassionate, caring, insightful, and when necessary humorous commentary to the audiences.

Hear the Intro:


Life Coaching “Between the Dash”

About the Wise Black Nanas Podcast

Sharing intensely personal and professional stories from life experiences, these every day mature Black Women give it to you straight, with compassion, sometimes with candor, always with caring and gentleness, just like your Nana. Wise Black Nanas uses their unique place in life to encourage, open and start conversations about difficult topics and life events.

Helping to find direction and solutions with coaching support that is built on a foundation of lived experience, professional education and expertise, and two lifetimes of managing and mothering using everyday language and situations that we all encounter, get stuck in, and often stay stuck in.

Part coaching, part HR, part suggestions, you are encouraged to learn from their shared perspectives, acquired wisdom, cross-generational insight, and their take on life’s very tough topics while they provide thoughtful, caring and sometimes humorous lessons.

Life Coaching “Between the Dash”

Wise Black Nanas Podcast

Meet the Nanas

Sharla M. Walker PhD, CPC, CPRC

Wise Black Nana

A Certified Professional Coach (CPC), Certified Professional Recovery Coach (CPRC), and Human Resources Professional, has had the opportunity to work in several industries at all levels within organizations of diverse interests and personnel. Describes herself as a person who craves change and evolution. Believes and practices that desires and goals can change in life. Just because you achieve one goal does not mean that more are not allowed to follow. Further believes that when we achieve a goal, we will always, consciously, or subconsciously, start working on the next one. Founder of SMWalkerCoaching. A native of California, retired and now living in Fort Worth, Texas, holds a doctorate degree in Organizational Leadership. Believes that the human experience is a mixture of calculation and randomness. She quotes “all my experiences are what make me human and whole. I have learned from my life lessons, and I continue to grow”.

Learn more about Dr. Sharla at her Life Coaching website, SMWalkerCoaching.com.

Joanne Early MS, CPC, CPRC, SHRM-CPC

Wise Black Nana

A Certified Life Coach, Recovery Coach, Addiction Awareness Facilitator, Certified Human Resources Professional with over 45 years of Business and Professional experience in multiple industries. Known to friends and colleagues as the “Queen of Second Acts”, who cannot remain retired, embraces change, opportunity, relocations, and relationships with a generous douse of “Yeah, I can do that.” Founded Jo Early Coaching LLC. Believes in continuous learning, diversity and equity, power of maturity. A native Floridian, she has lived and worked most of adult life in California, consulted in the Tampa and Orlando areas, Oakland and East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area), and is a proud graduate of the University of San Francisco, avid volunteer in community efforts and programs. She lists reading, chocolate and travel with friends as her most favorite things. Responds to all Nana questions from children, their children, friends and friends of their children.

Learn more about Coach Joanne at her Life Coaching website, JoEarlyCoaching.com.

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Latest Episodes

Juneteenth – Did You Know?

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Ask The Nanas – Part III

The Nanas close out their “Ask the Nanas” series in a lively Part III. Dr. Sharla and Joanne continue their earnest thoughts, pros and cons, as they talk about big life transitions. You might be surprised as they share their insight on life purpose and causes. As usual their responses are as unique as they are, and right from the heart. Feel the “realness” as they respond to this last batch of questions.

Ask The Nanas – Part II

The Nanas continue to answer questions received from listeners in this Ask The Nanas Part II. Dr. Sharla and Joanne talk earnestly and at times humorously when answering diverse questions from making and keeping friends to astrology. As usual their responses are as personal as possible, when relating to questions about confidence, authenticity, and failure. When asked about references of influence, they really go deep and offer responses as different as they are. Dr. Sharla shares how she is affected by Podcast topics and personal stories from the past. Get ready for lots of gut laughs, intense sincerity and inspiration.

Ask the Nanas – Part I

Ask the Nanas? Wise Black Nanas are changing it up a bit. We mean, a whole episode responding to questions that the Nanas received, unscripted, spontaneous, and raw (if that’s possible). What happens, will they answer from the head or heart? They thought it would be great fun to address questions not seen before, or prepared for. The Nanas go even further into the Nanas’ lived experience on a deeper level. Well, guess what, this is only part one! Topics include the Nana’s first ever jobs, career searching and relationships.

Why Coaching?

Join us for an enlightening conversation with the Wise Black Nanas as they unravel the world of Professional Coaching from various perspectives. Embarking on a journey beyond their traditional roles, they share the experiences that steered them towards coaching, dissecting its nuances, including comments on certification and how coaching diverges from therapy. Discover the allure of this developing field through their eyes, and understand why someone might seek the transformative guidance of a coach. Join Joanne and Sharla as they reveal what fuels their passion, what binds them in this venture, and how they remain captivated and committed to making a difference. Tune in to a session brimming with wisdom, inspiration, and insights into the art of Professional Coaching.

On Forgiveness – A Real Super-Power

Forgiveness – Wise Black Nanas declares Forgiveness a Real Super-Power.  What can Nelson Mandela and Tomatoes teach us? Hear Wise Black Nanas share more deeply personal stories about holding on and letting go of sibling anger and resentment in past and recent. The Nanas take on this immensely timely topic as only they can – touching, teaching and inspiring.

Well-Being – How Are We Doing?

Just how are we doing? How is our overall state of Well-Being after COVID-19?  The Wise Black Nanas look back at that time and describe the impacts on their personal and work lives. Hear actions that can boost Well-Being, especially since the COVID-19 Pandemic knocked everybody down, and out. Hear more of loss and of triumph. The Nanas ask and offer answers to those questions and more. Well-Being and making it simple and real as the Nanas share tips and give you a little more glimpse into their lives.

Claiming Our Self-Worth – “Then Add the Tax”

Wise Black Nanas take on another tough topic, Self-Worth. What is Self-Worth? Is Self-Worth something you just have or is it given to you? How does Dr. Sharla handle this very personal situation that is just as prevalent and timely today as back when she lived it? What happens when we increase the value of ourselves? What do the Nanas have to say about this one? You might be surprised.

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